Magnificent two storied building in a serene atmosphere, spacious, and sophisticated adequate class rooms, Large well stacked library, Well equipped Psychology lab, Mathematics, Natural Science, Physical Science and Social Science lab, ICT Resource Centre with Internet Facility, Sports Room, Rest room for both boys and girls, Separate toilets facilities for male and female students, separate toilet facilities for staff, parking space, Visitors room, Conference room, Staff room, Office room, Principals room with attached rest room and toilet, Prayer hall, multipurpose room, Physical Education room, SUPW room, playground are some of the main highlights of the institution. Water cooler, LCD Projector, Installed CCTV, xerox machine, sufficient tables, chairs, almirahs are available.
![About Image](assets/images/lib.jpg)
The library is the heart of any educational institution. Hence utmost care is taken to ensure that the library is well equipped to meet the changing requirements of the students and faculty. The library has a seating capacity of 50 students, with a separate reading section. The well stacked library is divided into a) Reference Section and b) Lending Section. The Reference section has highly valuable books, Dictionaries, Encyclopaedias etc. The Periodical Section has journals and magazines. Circulation Section includes issue, return and renewal by using the ID card of students., The library is open to all students undergoing the B.Ed course in the college as well as the staff of the college.
Total number of books in the library : 5593
Number of books added in the last quarter : 88
Number of Journals : 05
Number of magazines : 05
Number of newspapers : 03
Total number of books in the library : 5593
Number of books added in the last quarter : 88
Number of Journals : 05
Number of magazines : 05
Number of newspapers : 03
![About Image](assets/images/labortory.jpg)
The college has a well-equipped Mathematics Lab, Natural Science Lab, Physical Science Lab and Social Science Lab. There are various apparatus for conducting experiments in Physics, Chemistry, Biology, that are appropriate for the requirements of the students. The maintenance of the equipment and facilities are ensured by entrusting the responsibility with the respective faculty of the concerned subject.
A good Psychology lab is available in the college. Students utilise the Psychology lab for conducting experiments, assessment and evaluation of student Personality traits, Intelligence, Creativity, Learning Style etc.
An ICT resource centre was set up in the college . The centre was formally inaugurated by Sri K E Moidu, Manager, Peekay CICS Arts and Science College on 8th November 2021.
A community counselling centre :PRATHEEKSHA: was set up in the college as a joint venture with the Psychology department of Peekay CICS Arts and Science College . The centre started functioning from 17th January2022 and it aims at providing mental health services both at curative and preventive levels to the community, especially Olavanna Panchayath..
A good Psychology lab is available in the college. Students utilise the Psychology lab for conducting experiments, assessment and evaluation of student Personality traits, Intelligence, Creativity, Learning Style etc.
An ICT resource centre was set up in the college . The centre was formally inaugurated by Sri K E Moidu, Manager, Peekay CICS Arts and Science College on 8th November 2021.
A community counselling centre :PRATHEEKSHA: was set up in the college as a joint venture with the Psychology department of Peekay CICS Arts and Science College . The centre started functioning from 17th January2022 and it aims at providing mental health services both at curative and preventive levels to the community, especially Olavanna Panchayath..
The college does not support ragging of any sort within the campus. The institution strictly prohibits students from involving in any form of ragging and ensures severe action towards any such reported cases
The anti-ragging committee consists of the following members
ture with the Psychology department of Peekay CICS Arts and Science College . The centre started functioning from 17th January2022 and it aims at providing mental health services both at curative and preventive levels to the community, especially Olavanna Panchayath..
Convenor Ms Shiney M
All teaching staff are members.
Convenor Ms Shiney M
All teaching staff are members.
An examination committee functions in the college to ensure the smooth conduct of both internal and external examinations. Conduct of Internal examinations, University examinations, both theory and practical, uploading of Internal marks are the various responsibilities of the committee. The members of the committee are
Convenor Ms Myrtle Victor
All staff are members
Convenor Ms Myrtle Victor
All staff are members
As per the UGC Guidelines a Grievance Redressal Committee is set up for students to address their grievances. A Grievance Redressal box is also available. The following are the nominated members of the committee
Convenor Ms Vaisali KC
All teaching staff are members.
Convenor Ms Vaisali KC
All teaching staff are members.
Life is not just academics. Social and emotional learning plays a key role in the overall development of a child. Being a College of Teacher Education, we are committed to making our prospective teachers happy. We believe that only happy students perform better. They become more productive, healthier, and develop a positive outlook. Moreover, only a happy person can make others happy. Hence various programs are fused into the busy schedule of the B.Ed. course so that students find time to relax and make themselves and others happy.
Convenor Ms Shyja KG and Ms Divya KM
All staff are members
Convenor Ms Shyja KG and Ms Divya KM
All staff are members
The women’s cell of the college is set up to safe guard the rights and privileges of the women faculty and students The college is committed to ensuring a healthy work environment and study environment We believe that every individual should feel secure and respectful.
Convenor Dr Shimna Suresh
All teaching Staff are members
Convenor Dr Shimna Suresh
All teaching Staff are members
The college has set up a separate Guidance and counselling cell ‘PRATHHEKSHA’ to provide mental health services both at curative and preventive levels to the community as well as students. It was set up as a joint venture with the Psychology dept of Peekay CICS Arts and Science College
Convenor Dr Shimna Suresh
All teaching staff are members
Convenor Dr Shimna Suresh
All teaching staff are members
A committee for the Prevention of Caste Based Discrimination was constituted following the instructions from the Dean of Students Welfare. As per the UGC Guidelines, officials / faculty members are to desist from any act of discrimination against SC/ST students on grounds of social origin. As such a committee was constituted to look into the discrimination complaints received from SC/ST/OBC students/ Teachers and Non teaching Staff
Convenor Ms Divya KM
All teaching staff are members.
Convenor Ms Divya KM
All teaching staff are members.
Important days are celebrated in the college with great fervour and enthusiasm. It helps to develop in the teacher trainee qualities like creativity, leadership and togetherness.
Convenor Dr Mathew Joseph
All teaching staff are members
Convenor Dr Mathew Joseph
All teaching staff are members
The college has various clubs like English Club, Mathematics Club, Science Club , Social Science Club and Psychology Clubs. Various programs and competitions are organised by the clubs.